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海建所承办的“康菲”案被《商法》(China Business Law Journal)杂志列入“2012年杰出案例”

发布日期:2013-02-16 点击数:651





        《海洋污染索赔:中国政府 VS 康菲石油》


        此外,由于中国没有类似案件的先例,相关法律规定也存在不完善之处。中国国家海洋局代表国家参与了谈判。这起环境索赔案于4 月27 日画上了句号,赔偿金额达16.83 亿元人民币(约合2.69 亿美元)。



        《China v ConocoPhillips in a sea pollution claim 》

        Guang Yu & Co acted as representative of Chinese government.The Chinese government and ConocoPhillips went into rounds of negotiation to settle the largest environmental claim brought by the Chinese government and individuals to date. This claim arosefrom the US energy company’s oil spill in Bohai Bay, a serious sea pollution incident that drew close attention from the public and the central government.

        This is a very high profile case with unprecedented complexity as it involves environmental law issues, administrative review and litigation proceedings against the government’s decision, several tort litigations brought by companies and individuals for compensation, as well as breach of contractclaims and labour disputes resulting from the suspension of production

        caused by the oil spill. This case also involved complicated work collecting evidence. Relevant regulations were insufficient since there had been no similar case prior to this. China’s State Ocean Administration participated in the negotiations on behalf of China. The environmental claim was settled on 27 April with the payment of RMB1.68 billion(US$269 million).


